UFC??? Pfft… we have BASEBRAWL/FOOTBRAWL in Japan!

12 06 2007

Who needs UFC when you have city government officials acting like idiots?

On a balmy evening in the small city of Yawata in picturesque Kyoto, a vocational school soccer team started practicing on the municipal sports field. Problem was, a soccer team comprised of the local government officials were also practicing there. As is the norm with sports, the balls can’t always be controlled – frustrations rose, and then the fracas escalated into a full-on brawl.

One soccer player was hospitalised, and several combatants (I love the fact that we can call a group of high school kids, and city officials ‘combatants’) from both sides were treated for minor injuries. Some of the school students reported the incident to the local police.

Naturally, both sides are claiming that the other instigated the incident. Still under investigation… but the school students are kids – the city officials are adults, they should know better.

[source: Mainichi Shimbun]


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