City2Surf 07: field report

14 08 2007

a special report from our AFL correspondent, iscdaws…

I awoke yesterday morning, far too early to be considered reasonable for a Sunday, in preparation for my first City2Surf run. Having not competed for 5 years, not run a ‘fun run’ (why do they insist on naming them as such? What is fun about running 14km???) since 1993, and before 5 weeks ago I hadn’t run at all for 15 months, you can imagine I viewed the run before me with a little trepidation.

feet & heart poundin’…As we drove along closer to the city, I detected an eerie theme to the music on the radio “That was my mistake” was being blared at me by Split Enz, and a quick change of channel had Nathalie Imbruglia bellowing something about a “big mistake”. The omens were not good…

It was a lovely morning, sun shining, birds chirping, and people everywhere. It was a strange buzz. I am used to people glaring at each other before ‘races’, a general feeling that we were about to engage in mortal combat, yet here people were laughing, joking, singing and dancing. A sea of happy people. I wondered if they knew what they were getting themselves into. Read the rest of this entry »