Letter from an anonymous NBA star…

9 08 2007

For this story, I’ve edited out the names of players/teams as to protect anonymity. Due to computer problems, I had to use a sharpie.

So, I’m a huge Obviously this is just part of a satirical commentary fan. Huge. So it’s really disappointing for me to idly sit around whilst they do… nothing. So I sent a letter to Well… obviously this isn’t really from Kobe, it’s just a satirical commentary on how the guy’s gotta be feeling right about now.  I mean, look at all the trades going down that do NOT involve the Lakers… you gotta ask: are they going to add ANYTHING? in the hope that maybe he could shed some light on the situation. This is actually the third in our series of correspondence, but I thought I’d share.

This letter is not from Kobe

This letter is not from Kobe #2

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