‘Boks give Wallabies a scare…

8 07 2007

‘Boks vs WallabiesDespite all the talk of the South African’s only sending a ‘B team’ to Australia/New Zealand, it didn’t stop them from storming out to an early 17-0 lead against Australia in Sydney last night. Two tries within the first 8 minutes, and it looked like it was going to be a torrid affair for the Australian unit. However, after scoring off a penalty, the ‘Boks wouldn’t score for another 65 minutes.

Gradually the more experienced Wallaby side worked their way back into the game, and asserted their will on the game, and ran out eventual winners 25-17.

Still, the local Australian crowd in Sydney gave the visitors a warm welcome, and the respect shown was well-deserved too. The supposed B team gave as good as they got – and despite fears of the game getting dirty, the Springboks played good, hard, clean rugby. George Gregan & Stephen Larkham – two Australian stalwarts for many, many years – played their last game on Australian soil last night, and this result was a fitting end to two great careers (they will still be playing in both New Zealand & in the World Cup in France later this year).

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