NBA Finals – Who Wins? Vote Now!

29 02 2008

Vote Now!There’s been a lot of talk over the past week on who’s going to win the NBA Finals, a helluva lot of speculation (still hoping to see Matt vomit from his eyes). Now it’s time for you to post your opinion on who’s going to win: vote!

Who Wins The NBA Finals?

Boston Celtics
LA Lakers
Utah Jazz
Dallas Mavericks
Detroit Pistons
San Antonio Spurs
Phoenix Suns

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10 responses

29 02 2008

Whoever emerges from the Battle in the Western Conference between the Lakers and the Spurs is going to win this year’s NBA championship.

29 02 2008

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29 02 2008

Yeah, I’m a homer, I went with Detroit

29 02 2008

whoever wins in the west will most probably go all the way.

1 03 2008


The Celtics and the Pistons are both very solid outfits that – depending on which team makes it through the slugfest in the Western Conference – are quite capable of winning the NBA championship this year (much like the Eastern Conference’s Miami Heat did 2 seasons ago vs the Dallas Mavericks, who were prohibitive favourites, at the time, and leading in the Finals, 2-0, before the roof caved in).

At this point, this season, the Lakers, Celtics, Pistons & Spurs each have enough (i) Offensive fire-power , (ii) Defensive strength, and (iii) Rebounding tenacity, on their squads to go the distance.

1 03 2008
Aaron Becker

I say Maliceman puts up another poll once the seedings have been placed ;~)

1 03 2008
Aaron Becker

>>Whoever emerges from the Battle in the Western Conference between the Lakers and the Spurs is going to win this year’s NBA championship.<<

I don’t know, this might be the case where the Western winner might be too tired and beat up to win the finals.

3 03 2008

If either Detroit or Boston wins the NBA championship this season it will be because each of those two teams are outstanding in their own right, not because of the ‘Gallactic Battleground’ found in today’s Western Conference.

With the number of “off” days between games in the NBA Finals – according to the format used nowadays – rest vs fatigue is a non-issue, when deciding which team is best … in June.

Where amazing happens! … is going to have a Fabulous ending, this year.

3 03 2008

Well… I hope so khandor – the last few finals have been pretty ‘meh’.
Matter of fact, any series involving the San Antonio Spurs have been ‘meh’ – except for the playoff series against the Suns last year which were simply infuriating.

3 03 2008

Watching the Spurs … or the Pistons, Lakers, Celtics, Mavericks, Cavaliers, Suns, Raptors, Jazz, Magic, Hornets, Wizards, Rockets, Nets, Warriors, Hawks, Trail Blazers, 76ers, Nuggets, Pacers or Bulls … is never ‘meh’ for me.

I love good basketball.

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