Kobe’s Gasol-ine Pau-ered Lakers

23 02 2008

There’s been enough time elapse since Pau Gasol was traded to the Lakers to assess his impact on the team – and it’s probably fair to state that the nay-sayers on his ability can now all just ‘stfu’. Without a doubt, his impact – both tangible and intangible – has been enormous.

Lakers go KA-PAU!

Tangible – the presence of Gasol has allowed the Lakers to barely miss a step since Andrew Bynum’s injury, and should Bynum return to where he left off, the Lakers promise to be a formidable unit. Gasol has provided the legitimate second option that Lamar Odom always promised to be, and never eventuated into.
For Odom’s part, he seems to be thriving with less attention. Odom’s never been a selfish player, and as such his reduced role in the offense doesn’t appear to have bothered him overly. He’s still picking up points, and his rebounding has been fantastic. Still, it will be interesting to see how Lamar Odom copes when Bynum returns.

The rest of the team has responded accordingly – including Kobe. The team is energised, and competing at a very, very high level. This one move may not equate to a title this year, but it does mean that LA will be competing towards the top for a time to come.

Back to Gasol.
How this deal has affected LA’s premier franchise was never as much in evidence as the game in Phoenix the other night. Kobe scored 41, Gasol 29 and Odom 22. Add in a handy 15 from Vujacic, and LA looked good.
The Suns claim that they’re only getting started might be true, but if O’Neal’s performance versus the Lakers proves to be all he’s capable of, then they won’t be disappointed. In nearly 29 minutes O’Neal came up with 15 points, 9 rebounds and 2 blocked shots. Some people point to his diving for loose balls as an indication on how energised he is.
Me? Stop it Shaq – you’re not a young ‘un any more, and I’m not sure how long your hips will hold up to that kind of treatment.

How important was this game to both teams? Very. In the Kobe…oh-so-tight Western Conference, tie-breakers may end up being very, very important. With this win, LA move to a 3-1 result over the Suns this season. At the moment LA and Phoenix are locked on the same win/loss ratio – this puts LA on top. Holding the advantage in this tie-breaker could mean a difference of a few spots in the standings at the end of the year.

Even if the Suns do improve – LA still has Bynum to come back, and whilst there’ll be a teething period, that will be a formidable line up. 3 players over 6’11” (two taller), will make them a very tough opponent, and that’s not factoring Kobe into the equation.

As Ed over at MVN’s Lakers Library said not so long ago – “It’s a good time to be a Lakers fan.” (Whoops!  This was actually a comment made by Kurt at Forum Blue & Gold – apologies!) You betcha Ed.

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NBA Finals – Who Wins?

22 02 2008

The trade deadline has passed, and it’s been a frenetic time – more so than any other in living memory. All starting with KG & Ray-ray to Boston, then followed up with big trades – Pau Gasol being stolen like a thief in the night by Los Angeles… Shaq landing meteor-like in Phoenix… and Jason Kidd returns to his NBA-roots in Dallas… Ben Wallace moves his show to Cleveland.
But who ends up being the strongest from this? Who comes out of the East, who ends up still standing in the wild, wild West?

DetroitDespite the presence of Superman in Orlando – and the improved performance of that team, and even tho’ the Cavaliers obtained Ben Wallace, Delonte West and Wally Szcerbiak… there are still only two teams that can seriously be considered as coming out of the Eastern Conference. The top 4 in East at the end of the season will be Boston, Detroit, Orlando and Cleveland… but the Eastern Conference finals will be between the Boston Celtics, and the Detroit Pistons. And whilst the first two rounds shouldn’t provide too much difficulty for these two Eastern powerhouses, the Conference final should be an incredible battle.

Boston have the ‘big three’ of Garnett, Pierce & Shuttleworth Allen, but little depth post that – despite the decent play on occasions from Glen Davis and Rajon Rondo. Detroit lack the star power that the Celtics have, but their depth is excellent. On any night, it could be ‘Sheed, Tayshaun, Rip or Mr Big Shot himself, Chauncey Billups who could play the role of cold-hearted assassin.
KG’s too much… So – who wins that marquis match-up? A very tough question – as tough a match-up as any of the myriad of combinations we’ll see in the Western Conference final. For me, despite the lack of depth I cannot see Kevin Garnett letting this one slip him by. He’s made a huge difference in Beantown merely with his attitude to the game. Forget Paul Pierce’s longevity at Boston, this Garnett’s team. Boston win in an all-out war in 7… on KG’s will alone.

Out West, it’s a far, far different picture. Theoretically, any team currently ranked from 1-10 could possibly win the Conference title. Realistically though, only Phoenix, Los Angeles, San Antonio, Dallas, Utah or New Orleans are at that level of game-play. Whilst Portland, Houston, Denver and Golden State are all doing well, does anyone really think that one of those teams comes out of the West to meet the Eastern Conference champion?

Despite the Hornets’ record now, they are the first team I’ll eliminate from the conversation. And this despite the fact that Chris Paul is perhaps the best point-man in basketball today. If none of the trade moves occurred, then maybe New Orleans stays in the picture, but not due to talent, but rather a lack of experience, New Orleans will find themselves a casualty of what will be a very brutal playoff war. Watch out for them next season though.

San Antonio managed to add both Damon Stoudemire and Kurt Thomas, but I don’t think that this is quite enough in a season where the Spurs have looked a step slower. Tim Duncan’s a year older, and whilst he’s still perhaps the pre-eminent big man in the league, the gap between him and others is far smaller than it once was. What Timmy’s had in recent years has been more than ample support from Manu Ginobli and Tony Parker. Whilst Manu, Tim & Tony - San Antonio’s 3 stoogesManu is as much Manu as he’s ever been, Tony Parker’s injuries have to be of concern to San Antonio – and thus they acquire journeyman Stoudemire. Unfortunately for the Spurs, and fortunately for the rest of the West, they don’t quite have enough this year.

Utah’s a team that’s playing very, very well at the moment, and the addition of Kyle Korver to a strong unit was inspired. Not a huge impact signing like many we’ve seen in the last few weeks, the impact of adding Korver to the Jazz has been very big indeed. The coverage that both Carlos Boozer and Deron Williams demand means that a pure shooter like Korver is often left uncovered, and now that teams are realizing how deadly a decision that can be, it opens up the game for the afore-mentioned Boozer/D-Will combination.
The Jazz are one of the best 4 teams in the West, and will be right there towards the end.

In what’s been declared as veritable robbery, the Los Angeles Lakers acquired Pau Gasol from the Memphis Grizzlies, forever changing the landscape of the Western Conference. It provided further impetus for an energized LA squad, and it’s been many a year since Kobe had so much bounce in his step. Gasol has fueled a resurgence in LA, and he has slotted in perfectly. The big question is when Bynum returns. If Bynum returns at full strength, Look out below…Gasol can make the transition to power forward… and the team chemistry that’s working so well doesn’t change, then this is a team that can win a title. Does any other franchise have a better starting line up than Fisher, Bryant, Odom, Gasol and Bynum? Not on your life. And their bench – with Farmar, Walton, Turiaf, Ariza is as good as any in the league. Clearly a top 4 team… But all rests on Bynum’s return.

Dallas recently traded to get Jason Kidd, in a move that has many split as to whether it helps or hinders the Mavericks. As far as playing ability goes, Devin Harris will never achieve what Jason Kidd has. However, Kidd’s not young any more, and overall I think Harris brings more to the court now, than Kidd. The key to this however is that Jason Kidd brings a few intangible qualities to Dallas that they sorely lack. J-Kidd has the leadership skills and the killer instinct that has found Dallas lacking over the past few years, and perhaps this trade gets them over the hump.

The Suns pulled off a stunner only a week ago with the trade that landed the Big Fella (or ‘the Big Cactus’ as he’s been anointed) in Phoenix. Trade Shawn Marion for Shaquille O’Neal? A guy who many have as ‘past it’, and had Miami thinking that his contract was as immovable as the big guy appeared himself? Traded the seemingly slow, cumbersome O’Neal to a team that ran the fastest offense in the league?
Like with Kidd, it’s the intangibles that will either make or break this trade. Reportedly, Amare Stoudemire’s bouncing off the walls with joy at having the guy he veritably worshipped as a youngster at the same team. Additionally, the absence of Shawn Marion means that Stoudemire’s game has to pick up – if his game against the Lakers was any indication, Amare’s up to it.
Shaq’s mere presence demands attention – both on the court and off it.
“I asked you not to tell me that!” And if his first game with the Suns was any indication, this is a trade that might well have had Maxwell Smart stating: “It’s so crazy, it just might work!”

So, the top 4 teams out in the wild ‘n’ wooly West will be: Utah, Phoenix, Dallas and LA. From that mix, it will be Los Angeles versus the surprising Utah… and LA will rise – if Bynum comes back at where he left off.

In the finals that would mean a match up of LA versus Boston – and wouldn’t the NBA hierarchy love that?
If that comes about (operating on the assumption that Bynum’s back at full-strength), LA match up pretty well against Boston. 3 guys 6’11” or taller (Bynum/Gasol/Odom), a veteran presence at point in Fisher with a more than able back-up, Jordan Farmar. And of course, Kobe. And that’s not mentioning that the LA bench is far, far deeper than anything Boston can throw at it.
LA wins – in 6 (oh gods, I hope I haven’t put a moxie on them!)…

There’s more to come during the next week on this – other authors from other blogs to have their say… stay tuned…

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A Bull No Longer – Wallace Heads To Cleveland

22 02 2008

Not often in the midst of a race towards the playoffs do you see two teams within the same division make a big trade, but the 3-way with Central div. rivals Chicago and Cleveland – along with Western Conference Seattle – sees exactly that.  It’s a bit of an admission of error from John Paxson, who fought to get Ben Wallace from the Pistons.   It will be interesting to see what moves Chicago make during the off-season, post what’s been a very, very disappointing year.

Ben Wallace a Cav!I for one would love to know what LeBron James really thinks of this trade.  Ben Wallace, Wally Szczerbiak obtained at the loss of Larry Hughes, Drew Gooden, Cedric Simmonds and Shannond Brown. 


  • Chicago gets Larry Hughes, Drew Gooden, Cedric Simmonds, Shannond Brown
  • Cleveland gets Ben Wallace, Joe Smith, Wally Szczerbiak, Delonte West, Chicago’s 2nd round 2009 pick
  • Seattle gets Ira Newble, Donyell Marshall, Adrian Griffin

I know Bulls fans are ecstatic to lose Wallace’s millstone of a contract (2 more years, about $30 mil), but are now wary of Hughes.

It could end up being a good trade for both Cleveland and Chicago.  Wallace may do relatively well given there’s another big body in Ilgauskas to work with.  Without a doubt, he struggled when made the primary big man at Chicago.  Perhaps ‘struggled’ is not the words Bulls-fans would use.  If he can even return to 75% of what he was when he was in Detroit, this might work for the Cavs – at least short term.   Delonte West could be very useful at the point.  Whilst he’s no Jason Kidd or Mike Bibby, he is an upgrade on using either Booby Gibson or Damon Jones.  Wally Szczerbiak kind of fell off the map at Seattle, and should make an immediate impact as he’s a good shooter who will benefit from the double/triple teams LeBron James often sees. 
This trade does make the Cavs better, but not to the degree that they’ll overly bother Boston or Detroit.  And it places a very heavy burden on their salary cap if Wallace remains what he was in Chicago – a dud.  It’s a gamble – not on Shaq-to-Phoenix size – but a gamble none-the-less.

Drew Gooden - headed for the Windy CityAs far as Chicago’s concerned, no Wallace is a relief, but there have to be concerns about fitting Hughes into an already crowded guard rotation.  Definitely a bonus to acquire Gooden, whose contract expires at the end of this season.  If he works out, keep him.  If not, then wave bye-bye.
Brown and Simmonds are somewhat unknown, but for Chicago it’s more addition-by-subtraction. Tyrus Thomas and Joakim Noah should now see more minutes, and I think the team will gel a little better without the two grumpy old men Wallace & Griffin. 
Still… the logjam that’s been created at the guard spots is alarming – and probably indicative that during the off-season Chicago will look to move Gordon or Deng.

Seattle?  At first glance it seems like a bit of a puzzle.  It looks as if it’s just to move out pieces that no longer fit.  They do have added flexibility now tho’ – with 13 picks in the next 3 drafts and 3 players whose contracts expire at the end of this season, the Sonics are looking to the future.

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Today’s Top Stories In Japan…

21 02 2008

Effervescent Ae…The trade-buzz in the NBA just doesn’t quit this year, huh? Interesting times, if you’re a hoops fan (especially a Western Conference hoops fan!)…

Anyway, in today’s top stories in sports in the Japanese media:

  • Sumo considering letting outsiders in on the Council… [Daily Yomiuri] This is akin to the Jedi-council letting non-jedi be members… in other words: HUGE…
  • Fukudome starts with a smile… [Daily Yomiuri] Chicago’s latest big-ticket signing seems happy to be there…
  • Commentary from Jim Allen: Buffs/Hawks, get over it! (NPB)… [Daily Yomiuri] Allen’s right. Get in touch with what’s important people, and let Powell play!
  • Japan beat China 1-0 in East Asian Championships (soccer)… [Japan Times] Silencing the crowd, Japan wins against the locals…
  • ’09 WBC field set to join Japan (baseball)… [Japan Times] Invitations have been sent out…

Kurt Thomas A Spur!

21 02 2008

Kurt ThomasBreaking News – Not a huge, glittering trade, but one that will have impact. 
The San Antonio Spurs have added Kurt Thomas (formerly of the Seattle Sonics) to their roster, trading Francisco Elson and Brent Barry, and a 2009 first round pick to obtain him.  There may well end up being ‘cash considerations’ factor in too… 
Journeyman Thomas should help with defense on Yao & Shaq, and will be a more consistent contributor than Elson.

Interested in a fantasy baseball league?

20 02 2008

Dirtball league?I know there are a few folks who have an interest in playing in a Fantasy Baseball League… So, going to run one here – if we can get the numbers!

Put your name down, don’t be shy! I’ll have a look around – there’ll be prizes in it for the winner (tho’ exactly what not quite sure yet!)…

NBA – Time For A Change

20 02 2008

Listening to the ‘avid NBA fans’ over at ESPN, you’d think that the game is in a fantastic state – and whilst this maybe true in the Western Conference, the East is as pathetic as it’s ever been.  The very fact that the West is so deep from 1-through-to-10 only highlights the imbalance that’s been created.
Never before have the NBA’s conferences been so lopsided in team strength – it’s now become an asymmetric league.
Forget that they won the All-Star game – that means very little indeed – the East is in a state of decline that has rarely been encountered, and the Western Conference teams are so much more competitive, on so many levels, that it’s absolutely amazing.
The difference between the two conferences is such that it’s ceased to be remotely amusing.
This, despite the presence of the Boston Celtics and the Detroit Pistons in the East – two of the better teams in basketball today.

Current layout of NBA teams

As stated in a previous post – The East Is Mired in Mediocrity, The West Is Still Best – the balance of power in the West is tenuous – theoretically any of the top 9 teams could win the West, as there’s less than 5 games separating the top from the 9th best team, and 10th is only a mere 4 games behind 7th.
Even Sacramento (currently 11th) has a mathematical chance, tho’ the trading of Mike Bibby to Atlanta, and rumored shopping of Brad Miller would signal a capitulation of sorts.

Compare this to the East, where Boston rules supreme, and Detroit sit only a little behind them, and then gap between those two august powers the rest of the East is vast.
To be sure, Orlando and Cleveland compete, but is there any doubt that either franchise would be among the huddled masses towards the bottom end of the 8 if they were in the Western Conference?
Yes, there is a battle going for the last few playoff berths in the East, but other than Atlanta it would seem that teams are fighting to not make the playoffs.

The fact of the matter is that out West there’s an enthralling battle going on, and in the East it’s all pretty much a fait accompli. There are 15 franchises with winning records in the NBA at the moment, and as it stands now two of them will miss out on making the playoffs.

So… what to do?
No balanceHow to address the malaise of imbalance that the NBA finds itself afflicted with.
The only real solution is to re-allocate the conferences, and the divisions.
The biggest argument against this has always been travel times, but in this day and age is it a legitimate concern?
Additionally, people will point to rivalries… but be honest – is there any rivalry in the NBA that even approaches the Yankees/Red Sox mania?
The only one that comes close would be the Celtics/Lakers rivalry borne of years gone by, but even that is a pale shadow of itself, and until recently was a forgone conclusion as to who would win each game. And – it’s an East versus West rivalry anyway!

Questions, and more questions…Is it even necessary to break it up into East and West? Does the league require geographically-structured conferences? As mentioned before, travel times in today’s world are really not a concern for franchises, nothing that scheduling couldn’t deal with.

The easiest option might be to simply rename the conferences, so that they no longer have geographical connotations – perhaps naming them after two of the legends of basketball (then, you could even keep the ‘West’ tag!), and then swap a division between the two.
Say, put the South West division in what was the East, and the South East in the re-tooled ‘West’. A lot of balance moves in that simple adjustment.
Simple, elegant, and moves forward. A lot of the woes currently held in the NBA a solved with such a simple switch.
However, even tho’ you’d attain better balance across the conferences, the divisions swapped would have markedly different experiences. The South East would struggle with the teams in the West, and the displaced teams of the South West would be immediately amongst the strongest in the re-formatted East.

Which is why I favor a more extreme measure… this other option is that the league re-invents itself on a grand scale, start from scratch and reallocate every franchise. The NBA would need to have a look at what teams are where, and where the traditional powerhouse teams are, where the big markets are, and allocate the teams appropriately.

Perhaps along the lines of 2 teams from the geographical West, two from the East, and one Central – per division. Then we could come up with something like:


Alpha Beta Gamma Epsilon Zeta Eta
Los AngelesL Phoenix San Antonio Dallas Utah Seattle
Golden State Los AngelesC Minnesota Houston Sacramento Portland
Milwaukee Memphis Indiana Chicago Denver New Orleans
Miami Atlanta Cleveland New York Boston Detroit
Orlando Washington Charlotte New Jersey Philadelphia Toronto

Waddaya think David?Obviously, names would have to be changed… Greek letters of the alphabet don’t work so well for NBA divisions… but each franchise would have at least one within a relatively close distance, and road-trips within the division needn’t be massive affairs… Or something of the like.
But whatever, there’s no denying that there’s a massive imbalance, and despite expectations of otherwise, the East keeps getting worse and worse.
Mr. Stern – it’s time for a change.
What do you think?

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NBA Carnival #54 Is Up!

20 02 2008

Those wild ‘n’ zany guys over at Sports Projections have the latest Carnival of the NBA up – issue #54.

It’s a good ‘un, I suggest you head over there now & have a look – click the pic for the link!

Carnival of the NBA #54 - Sports Projections

Top Stories In Japan…

19 02 2008

The delightfully sexy Miki Ando - in leather hotpants…Now that the NBA All-Star weekend’s over, back to other sports as well I guess… and there’s lots out there that’s interesting – including Miki Ando’s skating (pictured left).
Today’s top sports stories in Japan were:

  • Kerwin names provisional National Rugby squad… [Daily Yomiuri] Looks like a pretty handy group actually, lots there to be positive about…
  • More rugby: Suntory to take on Sanyo in the Top League final… [Daily Yomiuri] Clearly Sanyo Wild Knights have been the form team of the competition this year, but write off the SunGoliath at your own peril…
  • Viktorious Rothlin wins Tokyo Marathon… [Daily Yomiuri] And Fujiwara pushes his candidacy for the Beijing Olympics…
  • Teen becomes first Japanese in 16 years to win ATP event (tennis)… [Mainichi Shimbun] Qualifier Kei Nishikori beats James Blake to become the first Japanese to win an ATP event in 16 years…
  • Mao Asada wins gold in Four Continents championships (ice-skating)… [Mainichi Shimbun] Not the girl in the pic, but Mao is a rising star in Japanese sports…

You’re Kidding (New Deal In The Works To Send Kidd To Dallas)

18 02 2008

Expectedly, there’s a new deal being worked out between the powers-that-be at the New Jersey Nets and the Dallas Mavericks to send Jason Kidd to Texas.  The current deal will leave out veto-empowered Devean George, and blabber-mouthed Jerry Stackhouse. 
The expected plan has Jason Kidd and Malik Allen going to Dallas for Devin Harris, Desagna Diop, Maurice Ager, retired Keith Van Horn and Trenton Hassell.  New Jersey will also get a cool $3 million and two first round draft picks.

J-Kidd deal back on again?The deal is being submitted for league approval, and if everything goes well then we’ll soon see Jason Kidd back in a Mavs uniform. 

Obviously Jason Kidd will be happy to go to Dallas and play for a contender, but now the happiest in all of this would have to be the retired Keith Van Horn, who hasn’t played for 18 months.  He’ll be bought out, and make a tidy sum – much in the way Aaron McKie did in the Gasol-to-LA trade weeks ago. 
Stackhouse loses, as he won’t get that promised buy-out he so happily told everyone about – much to his chagrin.  Devean George probably won’t end up being happy, as I can’t see any of this situation benefiting his situation in Dallas, given he’s bound to have disenfranchised himself somewhat with the Mavericks management. 
But in the long term, the biggest loser in this will be Dallas, who are selling a very good young player (who some experts such as John Hollinger believe is better than Kidd now), for a shot at the ring now.  Thing is, even if this trade goes through – and it looks like it will – they’re still not as good as the top teams out West.

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