Blogsifting – You’ve Been Traded

24 02 2008

This pic of Eiko Koike goes up especially for Jeff WongThe impact of the NBA’s massive sales period just prior to the trade deadline will be felt not just for weeks to come, but for years to come.

Here’s what Blogfrica felt:

  1. Back on February 2nd, Kurt at Forum Blue & Gold expressed that it was “A good day to be a Lakers fan” (a comment I’d previously attributed to Ed Ziti – sure they both think it tho’!)… here’s why.
  2. Matt & the guys at Blog A Bull explore their feelings over the trade that finally got rid of Ben Wallace acquired Larry Hughes.
  3. Henry Abbott’s take on the Wallace trade over at ESPN’s True Hoop.
  4. What Hardwood Paroxysm‘s sees in the Cav’s acquisitions.
  5. FOULEDOUT! looks at Jason Kidd’s return to Dallas.
  6. The excellent Five Tool Tool has a bit of a gander at Mike Bibby’s trade to Atlanta.
  7. HoopsAddict‘s Deal Breakers (part 1) article looks at the various trades that have happened…

Just had to link this… From Out Of Left Field: THAT’S REALLY PRUDE, COMING FROM THE HOME OF THE HARDCORE… was a pretty ‘interesting’ experience…



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